International Day of Solidarity

November 28, 2007

Comments (5)

  1. James Moran

    Thanks for the links Jill, great to see these pics! This is so cool, we really had a feeling of togetherness on the day, knowing it was happening all around the world at the same time.

  2. Matthew Weiner

    I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you and all the international guilds– especially those in the midst of winter, for your solidarity in support of our actions here. I can assure you that we remain committed to fighting for our creative rights and refuse to be intimidated or disheartened by the manipulation of media coverage or rumors of disunity. We are already victorious because we are united and will not settle for less than a fair participation in the fruits of our labor.

  3. admin

    I hope this is really you because my spam filter is convinced otherwise.
    When we pledged solidarity, we didn’t mean frozen solid. But is was an awesome display of unity in so many far flung places and in some ways the beginnings of a worldwide community of screenwriters.

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