March 2, 2008 Jill

Check out Taii K. Austin’s Love Letter to Writer’s Rooms on the Huffington Post site.  The strength of the room lies in diversity:

Every day, I sit in a room with a bunch of insane(ly) talented people I otherwise would likely not get the chance to meet, let alone befriend. We debate and argue and challenge each other. We vocally support Clinton, Obama, and McCain. We are pro-life and pro-choice. We hated and loved everything about Juno. We think there is no God and God is everything. We are Mormons, sluts, divorcees, new moms, old dads, reds, blues, and greens. We are 26 and… older than 26.

But also in the ability to come together.

However, there is always respect for individuality and the understanding that what we write is only as good as the mashup of our differences — set to screen and sound. Hollywood’s a messed up place in many ways, but one thing I really dig about it is its crackhead-esque dependence on the collaboration of different kinds of folks.

I can’t understand anyone who wants to write it all themselves.  It’s way too lonely, way too hard and the results are nowhere near as great as when there is collaboration.

Long live the writers room.

Comment (1)

  1. Kazza

    People want to write it all themselves because of ego.

    Producers want someone to write it all because they don’t want to pay story editor fees.

    Broadcasters want someone to write it all because they don’t understand how the room works.

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