September 12, 2007 Jill

I am getting prepped for the fall launch. That means watching as many pilots as I can get my hands on (thank you to my new best friends at CanWest Global who have supplied me with screeners) and figuring out which ones I’m prepared to watch 4 or 5 more times, so I can post about them.

While I’m doing that, Matthew Weiner of Mad Men thinks you should be writing your pilot. Okay, that’s a bit of a stretch but Michael Patrick Sullivan at Red Right Hand met him at Sublime Prime Time and reports as follows:

  • Weiner’s advice on pitching pilots (if you’re not some established showrunner or big name writer): Don’t pitch it. Write it. “Ideas are a dime a dozen…don’t just be a guy with an idea, sit in a chair and write it…that makes you a guy with a..(miming the holding of a script)…a property. Sheryl Zohn said it a bit better. “It makes you a writer.”

Check out the whole post here.

If you don’t feel like writing, Geek Tonic has a post with links to pilots available for free viewing from Amazon Unbox. His links include Bionic Woman, Life and Journeyman. Also Chuck which I discuss after it airs September 24th. I haven’t tried this yet but I suspect it won’t work outside the US. Let me know.

If you don’t feel like writing or watching, you can always friend me on Facebook.