January 28, 2009 Jill

I just got a press release from CanWest letting me know that da kink in my hair is back for a new season on Thursday February 12th.

I got a similar press release from TNT earlier this week letting me know The Closer was back, but that one included embed code for a video clip.   If I want to post a clip of da kink, I have to go hunting around on the web for one.

I went over to Global’s da kink web space in search of assets I could embed here.  I discovered that you can watch all 13 first season shows and 6 original documentary style web videos featuring cast members talking about topics like “good hair and bad hair”.  None of them embeddable so if you want to see that stuff click over to the site.

Check out the user forums while you’re there.  No one from da kink or Global seems to be actively trying to build community.  They’re not even monitoring the forum.  There’s a comment from “MsLuv” posted 12-03-2008 asking what happened to the series.  No one has answered it.   There’s a second thread on the forum in which two more viewers ask the same question.  Again, no response. Don’t you people realize that you have to monitor your series web sites and respond to your viewers?

It’s time for Canadian broadcasters to wake up.  The web is here. You can’t ignore it.  You have to use it to promote your shows and communicate with your audience.

Here’s a clip from the series.  I found it over on YouTube on da kink’s channel there.  They posted this second season video promo six days ago.  I just wish they’d sent me the embed code for it in the first place.

'DA KINK IN MY HAIR (Season 2)

Comments (7)

  1. Great post Jill – broadcasters really do need to nurture their shows better online. Of course, as I’m sure you realize, a lot of this comes down to budget and staff, both of which seem to generally keep shrinking in the digital departments of our domestic networks…

  2. daye rogers

    Thanks Jill. This is why you’re one of my favorite sites. This is the first time I’m hearing about Da Kink. I’m going to give it a look see. It’s always nice to see yourself (women of color) as leads in a show. I hope it’s not in the same vein as the Tyler Perry presents mess that’s on tv these days.

  3. Liberty

    After hearing all the hype about the new season of Da Kink In My Hair (which I LOVE), I went online only to find OLD episodes.

    When are they going to wake up? And viral embedding etc is GREAT…it’s great advertising. It’ll draw people to the site, instead of deterring them. ARGH!

  4. Liberty

    P.S. I changed my Facebook status to….

    ” is kind of vex that last night’s episode of Da Kink In My Hair is unavailable online. Will someone tell GLOBAL to get with it. Online TV is HUGE!!!”

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