February 22, 2011 Jill

I’m really excited that I’m getting to go to SXSWi this year — the ginormous interactive festival that takes place in Austin in March.  I’ve always wanted to go and so I’m thrilled to be part of a Telefilm program that is helping me get there.

What’s cool is that Toronto’s own version,  NXNEi is really coming into its own this year, with great content and lots of unusual people coming into town to attend.  I’ll be taking in part in a panel on transmedia with Jason Leaver of Out With Dad moderated by Anthea Foyer.

Besides us the lineup of presentations is just starting to emerge and it already looks very cool.  Pretty much unlike anything we’ve seen at the zillions of digital conferences competing for our buck.  Case in point: “Turning social web slacktivism to offline activism” or how about “Nom3: The Foodie Digital Revolution”.

The point of NXNE — the interactive component, at least — is to hang out, hear about what’s new and cool and connect with people you wouldn’t otherwise meet.  A refreshing change from the usual frenzy of meetings that keep me out of the presentations at other events.

The early bird price for NXNEi ends Feb 28, so if you know you’re going to go, get your tickets now!

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